
Application & Documentation:

Applications make the first impression. You will need this impression when studying abroad, applying for a visitor visa, and going through the immigration process. Therefore, all relevant documentation must be included in the application. As part of our application and documentation processes, we ensure that applicants will do and will not do what is required of them.

Once the applicant receives their admission documents from the institute, they must prepare the visa application. The approval or denial of a visa depends on this application. Every application should be handled with the utmost professionalism.

Taking into account the latest information about visa processing is crucial for complying with the latest regulations and requirements. As a result of these skills, we are able to support our recipients with low rejection rates.

The original and photocopied versions of all required documents must be brought to the visa interview. Furthermore, the applicant must provide financial evidence, e.g. bank statements. We will provide you with a list of the necessary documents. After reviewing the documents, our experts will provide the next steps. A cover letter with a document list will be sent to the applicant to arrange and retain an interview.

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