
Immigration Canada :

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (“HRSDC”), Work Permits for Canada:


Please visit the following link, you will find more information in the following Citizenship and Immigration Canada website:

In order to qualify for a Work Permit, a candidate must first obtain a labour market opinion from HRSDC, which hiring you would not have a negative impact on the labour market. There are some of the factors which HRSDC will consider:

  1. The work results in direct job creation or job retention  for Canadians
  2. The work is likely to result in the creation or transfer of skills and knowledge to Canadians
  3. The work is likely to fill a labour shortage in Canada
  4. The wages and working conditions are Canadian standards and sufficient to attract Canadians to do the job
  5. The employer has made, or has provision to make, reasonable efforts to hire or train Canadians; and
  6. The employment is likely to adversely affect the settlement of any labour dispute in progress or the employment of any person involved in the dispute.

The process usually takes several weeks after starting, and practices may vary at different HRSDC offices in the country. If HRSDC approve the job offer, one will need to apply for a Work Permit at a Canadian Immigration office.

HRSDC will also review the advertising and recruitment efforts that you have made in Canada, however, this is not always necessary, based on the position.

For more information, you’re requested to contact with the Daan Overseas Consulting. We are always ready to help you out.